coins (n)
【例】it's gonna be some serious coins to get into that concert. [michigan state university, east lansing, mi]
cold-blooded (adj)
rude or unfair.
【例】 that was so cold-blooded, when she just ignored me! [texas a &m, kingsville, tx, 1998]
come up on (v)
to steal.
【例】 i'm fixin' to come up on that sweet looking board. [southwestern college, san diego, ca, 1998]
commodore (n)
a slow-ass computer.
【例】i'll never finish my assignment on this commodore! [northwestern university, evanston, il]
communist (adj)
stupid and/or bad.
【例】man, this shit is communist. [university of wisconsin-milwaukee, milwaukee, wi, 1998]
cookie cutter boys (n)
the guys who travel in packs of 8-12, have that fade haircut (like ross on friends) and wear ambercrombie and fitch or american eagle everything.
【例】 the quad is full of cookie cutter boys today. [virginia tech, blacksburg, va, 1999]
coolarific (adj)
cool and terrific.
【例】 that movie was coolarific! [mcgill university, montreal, canada]
cool as a moose (adj)
very good; cool; da bomb.
【例】that new disk is cool as a moose! [oglethorpe university, atlanta, ga]
cool beans (adj)
very cool, great, or interesting.
【例】i just found twenty bucks... so i can eat now! cool beans! [university of texas-san antonio, san antonio, tx , 1998; montreat college, montreat, nc, 1998]
coosh from izaam
1. (phr) a positive phrase or a negative phrase.
【例】man that test was some coosh straight from izaam.
2. jargon used to describe some illegal activity.
【例】 let's go get some coosh from the green fields of izaam. [ouachita baptist university, arkadelphia, ar, 1999]